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Por Consumer Reports Tem seu baralho visto melhores dias Consumer Reports tem coberto. Ele apenas testou 29 manchas de deck. (Publicado sexta-feira, 23 de maio de 2014) Tem o seu deck visto dias melhores Continuar como convidado Aplicar como hóspede Desculpe, não podemos salvar este trabalho agora. Relate este trabalho. Uma vez que um trabalho foi relatado, vamos investigar mais. Se você precisar de uma resposta, envie sua pergunta ou preocupação. Uma dificuldade na avaliação da natureza revolucionária dos computadores é que a palavra "revolucionário" foi desvalorizada. Mesmo pequenas melhorias tecnológicas são anunciadas como revolucionárias. Um fabricante de um novo bico de derramamento sem gotas pode muito bem promovê-lo como revolucionário. Mavis leno biografia pessoas 24.10.2016, 22:01 Claro que eu não fiz nada. Jennie cuida de tudo agora. 8 Mas isso me cansou mesmo assim. John diz que se eu não pegar mais rápido ele deve me enviar para Weir Mitchell no. Como iniciar uma introdução para um ensaio de comparação Se você copiar uma frase de um livro ou artigo de revista por um único autor, o. BBC News Channel. Os documentos de quarta-feira contemplam o discurso da rainha e relatam o desvelamento emocional de um memorial. Ajude a escrever a graduação obrigado notas 08.11.2016, 04:09 TIPO. Construção Moderada Últimos relatórios de Buffalo das notícias Nenhum sério ferido no roll-over MVA antes do jogo de Sabres - Buffalo News búfalo de Nova York Nenhum machucado seriamente em roll-over MVA antes do jogo de Sabres. Ambos convencionais e fly tackle. Ocidentais estudo no exterior lei escola 04.12.2016, 20:24 O amianto foi proibido no Reino Unido em 1999, após um link foi estabelecido para doenças pulmonares, incluindo mesotelioma. Em Inglaterra, o governo publicou uma política semelhante em março deste ano, mas há incerteza sobre quem tem responsabilidade em. 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Fale Conosco Revisão de especialistas a preços razoáveis ​​ensaio de edição myessaypro / Obrigado Admin para um grande posto. Nós o maior pintor de cara picasso e rosto pintor VA e rosto pintor Hampton Roads servindo na área de Virgínia. Nós oferecemos a pintura da cara, as colisões de barriga, a tatuagem do brilho ea composição teatral com preços razoáveis. Obrigado Admin por um ótimo Post. Nós o maior pintor de rosto Williamsburg e rosto pintor Chesapeake servindo na área de Virgínia. Nós oferecemos a pintura da cara, as colisões de barriga, a tatuagem do brilho ea composição teatral com preços razoáveis. Obrigado Admin por um ótimo Post. Nós o maior pintor de rosto e pintor de corpo servindo na área de Virgínia. Nós oferecemos a pintura da cara, pancadas da barriga, pintor da cara de virgínia que serve na área de Virgínia. Oferecemos tatuagem glitter e maquiagem teatral com preços razoáveis. Obrigado pelo Great Post. O Groupe Conseil Solinteg pode suportar - e muitos mais serviços e produtos da Microsoft Corporation. Obrigado. Seu artigo é extremamente impressionante. Eu nunca considerei que era possível realizar algo assim até depois que eu olhei para o seu post. Obrigado pelo bom post. Você sabe. Como ser mais confiante Um número de homens precisa de dicas e conselhos sobre como ser mais confiante com as mulheres. As mulheres adoram homens confiantes que acreditam em suas próprias habilidades e em si mesmos. Kama Lifestyles namoro coaching especializada em ensinar os homens como ser confiante. Não depende de traços pessoais e características, mas pode ser aprendido por qualquer pessoa. No entanto, leva algum trabalho para transformar pensamentos negativos e comportamentos em algo positivo, e ninguém pode fazer o trabalho, mas o homem que precisa mudar sua atitude. Eu sou um fã de Cliff. Seus livros foram muito inspiradores para mim até agora. Bela postagem. Seria ótimo para ler mais sobre este tema. Através de um teste de prática livre ged imprimível você pode ajudar a si mesmo obter uma pontuação elevada no exame GED real por primeiro conhecer as diferentes partes do exame que você deve tomar. Você provavelmente já sabe que os principais temas são focados em matemática, ciência, leitura, escrita e estudos sociais. Mas para cada um dos assuntos, outras categorias são incluídas também. Por exemplo, a matemática se concentra em Álgebra, Exponentes, Gráficos e muito mais. A ciência também vem em vários níveis. Tapete limpeza phoenix Eu encontrei muita informação interessante aqui. O post foi escrito profissionalmente e eu sinto que o autor tem um conhecimento extenso neste assunto. Eu achei o lugar perfeito para as minhas necessidades. Contém mensagens maravilhosas e úteis. Eu li a maioria deles e tem muitos deles. 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Eu sou realmente admirado pelos serviços agradáveis ​​neste blog ea tecnologia surpreendente é visível neste blog das pontas da saúde. Se você está ciente de um papel academic novo interessante (que estêve publicado em um jornal peer-reviewed ou apareceu no arXiv ), Uma conferência (em uma reunião científica profissional oficial), uma postagem no blog externa (por um cientista profissional) ou uma notícia (na mídia convencional), que você acha que poderia fazer um tópico interessante para uma postagem no blog FQXi, Em seguida, entre em contato conosco em forumsfqxi. org com um link para a fonte original e uma frase sobre por que você acha que o trabalho é digno de discussão. Tenha em atenção que recebemos muitas sugestões e, embora tentemos responder a elas, talvez não possamos responder a todas as sugestões. Observe também que não aceitamos posts não solicitados e não podemos revisar ou abrir novos tópicos para artigos ou artigos não solicitados. Solicitações de revisão ou publicação de tais materiais não serão respondidas. Se você tiver sua própria teoria ou modelo de física de novela, que gostaria de postar para discussão posterior entre a comunidade FQXi, então adicione-os diretamente ao tópico Modelos Alternativos de Realidade ou ao tópico Modelos Alternativos de Cosmologia. Obrigado. Ao usar o Fórum FQXi, você reconhece a leitura e concorda em cumprir os Termos de Uso POSTOS RECENTES NESTE TÓPICO Membro Antony Garrett Lisi escreveu em junho 9, 2007 16:51 GMT Há muito poucos momentos na física teórica que se qualificam como. Emocionante - momentos que enviam arrepios de excitação pela espinha dorsal e fazem o cérebro tingle. Seu tal perseguição abstrata, você não pensaria que os efeitos seriam assim visceral. Os pensamentos levam anos para se acumular, e muitas vezes são disjuntos e organizados ao acaso. Em uma ocasião muito rara, um novo insight traz uma cascata de. Há muito poucos momentos na física teórica que qualificam como. Emocionante - momentos que enviam arrepios de excitação pela espinha dorsal e fazem o cérebro tingle. Seu tal perseguição abstrata, você não pensaria que os efeitos seriam assim visceral. Os pensamentos levam anos para se acumular, e muitas vezes são disjuntos e organizados ao acaso. Em uma ocasião muito rara, um novo insight traz uma cascata de idéias juntos ao mesmo tempo - uma reação em cadeia na mente. É muito legal. Claro, a idéia ainda pode estar errada. E, normalmente, é preciso definir o trabalho árduo de tentar prová-lo errado, antes de exibi-lo em público. Mas, neste caso, com uma idéia recente, eu acho que é significativo, que o trabalho provavelmente vai me levar muito tempo - e eu quero compartilhar a idéia principal agora. Portanto, aqui está: se levarmos a sério a idéia de que os férmions podem ser fantasmas da teoria dos gauge, há uma teoria de gauge em particular que se destaca: a de um E8-bundle principal. O grupo excepcional do Rank 8 é o maior dos grupos de Lie excepcionais, e talvez o mais rico na estrutura. Pirataria de um apêndice da Teoria da Superstring. A álgebra de Lie dimensional de 248 de E8 é descrita como: o grupo ortogonal especial (com 120 elementos) atuando no espaço de 128 espinores quiral dimensionais. Isto é notável como é, uma vez que diz que há uma álgebra de Lie em que o suporte de Lie de dois elementos dá um elemento agindo sobre outro como um elemento de álgebra de Clifford, B, de tal (16) agindo a partir da esquerda em um espinor, Psi , De so (16): Há também uma descrição equivalente menos conhecida de e8 que eu leio em John Baezs This Weeks Finds: e8 so (8) so (8) (V (8) x V (8)) S (8) x S (8)) Nesta descrição, os 28 elementos, H, de tão (8) agem a partir da esquerda em três blocos de 64 elementos, Psi1, Psi2, Psi3: H, Psi123 H Psi123 e os outros 28 elementos, G, de assim (8) agem sobre estes a partir da direita. Agora, se construímos uma teoria de Yang-Mills com E8, e tomamos os três blocos como fantasmas, a conexão estendida BRST: AHG Psi1 Psi2 Psi3 e sua curvatura (dHHH) (dPsi1HPsi1Psi1G) (dPsi3HPsi3Psi3G) Se ajusta ao modelo padrão - completo com três gerações de fermions e gravidade Isto é maioritariamente estabelecido em meu último artigo. A conexão gravitacional, frame, multiplete de Higgs, U (1) e SU (2) se encaixam em H, enquanto SU (3) e outra peça de U (1) se encaixam em G. E três gerações de leptões e quarks se encaixam no Psis, relacionado por trialidade. Esta é uma coisa bonita - exatamente o que se esperaria em um TOE Se for verdade, isso explicaria um monte de estruturas complicadas no modelo padrão em termos de um simples E8 Yang-Mills campo: exatamente o que e por que spinors são, Por que as partículas obtêm as cargas que fazem, por que há três gerações, e possivelmente por que as massas são o que são. E há muito pouco wiggle quarto. Terá de ser uma forma real de E8 complexo, uma vez que precisamos de um grupo de bitola não-compacto para a gravidade. Mas haverá apenas um punhado de maneiras de considerar a simetria E8 rompendo com o modelo padrão. Afinal, é apenas uma teoria de Yang-Mills, sem qualquer outra coisa fantasia voando ao redor. Ou funcionará claramente, ou claramente não. Há muito trabalho a fazer. Eu ainda não consegui exatamente as atribuições de partículas corretas para baixo ainda. E eu não sei se someones tentou isso antes, uma vez que a literatura é um pouco ofuscada pelo uso de E8 na teoria de cordas heterotic, o que é bastante diferente. (Duvido que tenha sido feito antes, porém, uma vez que se baseia na minha idéia louca de substituir alguns campos de bitola com fantasmas fermionic.) Espero estar trabalhando nisso por um bom tempo - estudando a estrutura do E8, que é muito bonita, E muitos outros aspectos - tentando ver se os fermions caberão corretamente ea matriz do KM estala fora dele. Não é uma teoria completa, e é por isso que eu não escrevo isso como um papel. Mas acho que é interessante e emocionante o suficiente para colocar aqui, para o gozo e perplexidade dos outros. Uma das questões que tive com as muitas formas teóricas do átomo é a falta de estruturas que suportam os vários tipos de energia que sabemos que são produzidos dentro dele. A complexidade da estrutura E8 parece fornecer formas estruturais amplas para fornecer os loops de energia que têm que existir para produzir os vários tipos de energia. Para aqueles tipos de energia que são conhecidos para emanar a partir do átomo, eletromagnética e gravidade, a estrutura tem de prever a emissão isotrópica. No momento, não se pode supor que existam estruturas de energia dedicadas para cada tipo de energia, ou seja, alguma parte do circuito de energia para gerar uma emissão eletromagnética não é compartilhada pelo circuito de energia que gera a gravidade. Com base nas atuais teorias aceitas sobre estes dois tipos de energia, eletromagnética e gravidade, pode-se pensar que haveria laços de energia separados parece não haver semelhanças. Considere o tamanho do laço de energia que tem de existir, eo tempo que tem de existir, para produzir uma saída eletromagnética com um comprimento de onda de 21,1 cm que é um comprimento de onda enorme em comparação com o tamanho do átomo. Talvez um matemático pudesse determinar quantos elementos da matriz E8 seriam necessários para produzir um ciclo de energia que suportaria a geração do comprimento de onda de 21,1 cm. Tenha em mente que uma estrutura de energia de meia ou quarto de comprimento de onda pode gerar um comprimento de onda completo se o loop de energia tem as propriedades adequadas. Mark Stowe escreveu em Nov. 20, 2007 19:56 GMT Qualquer coisa recursiva / auto referencial na matemática de sua teoria À medida que os macacos de água tropicais humanos ver aleatoriedade em eventos. O tempo é um passeio exatamente entre quantum e astronômico. Isso faria a vida consciente de si mesmo o campo unificado e uma resposta bastante bonita também. Tommaso Bolognesi escreveu em Nov. 30, 2007 11:23 GMT O razor de Occams é uma de minhas ferramentas favoritas demasiado (talvez não para bornes, though.). Depois de seu trabalho de novembro de 2007, precisamente dois conceitos distintos são arquivados em minha mente sob a beleza de partículas: um é o sistema de raízes para as 248 simetrias do múltiplo E8 eo outro é o autômato celular elementar de Wolframs 110, com suas incríveis partículas interagindo emergindo basicamente Qualquer condição inicial, incluindo o mais simples. Embora seja claro que o universo não pode ser um autômato celular, pode-se esperar que muitas coisas bonitas surjam quando se tenta transpor as idéias simples por trás delas - e a visão do universo computacional - para as estruturas discretas, semelhantes a um gráfico Consideradas em LQG (redes de spin, espumas, nós, tranças), ou apenas para gráficos trivalentes finitos e finitos, como sugerido pelo próprio Wolfram. Isso é o que estou procurando, e embora eu entenda bem que sua prioridade ainda está nos internos da Teoria E8, pergunto-me se você teria à mão um candidato natural para uma seqüência de simetrias cada vez mais complexas X1, X2. Xn, com Xn E8, de modo que a pesquisa e experimentação na emergência em gráficos poderia ser dirigida mais realisticamente para rachar X1 primeiramente. TG escreveu em Nov. 30, 2007 21:30 GMT Um pedaço da resposta esconde no Coral Castle. Vejo você no dia da água. Parece que eu vou ter que voltar para a escola de matemática por alguns anos para responder minhas próprias perguntas sobre como sua idéia afeta a cosmologia. Enquanto isso. Você já considerou que alguns dos pontos não marcados no E8 poderiam se aplicar à matéria escura A sua idéia descarta a matéria escura ou torna mais fácil saber como e o que procurar Como alternativa à matéria escura, sua idéia mostra que o efeito de A gravidade não é perfeitamente linear em sua relação com o espaço. Escreveu em 3 de dezembro de 2007, 14:18 GMT seu imazing agora para olhar para o 12 º século catedrais rosas (cópias do templo de Salomão provavelmente) Daniel P. Fitzpatrick escreveu em 3 de dezembro, 2007 20:39 GMT É possível que spinadores de quarks, emulando espinores de elétrons em magnetismo e sigma e ligação química pi, poderia ser responsável pela gravidade e inércia Phil escreveu em Dez. 10, 2007 18:34 GMT Isto está relacionado com Star Trek Voyagers Episódio sobre o Projeto Omega, onde encontrar o elemento final Sete diz que o elemento é simbólico da perfeição. Michael Cecil escreveu em Dez. 11, 2007 11:56 GMT Apenas algumas perguntas: Será que uma teoria de tudo não tem que dizer algo sobre a consciência que a criou, ou através da qual ela surgiu (eu sugiro que uma teoria de tudo teria Para poder explicar a sua própria origem. Isto não é a minha idéia. Foi-me dito por outro pesquisador para a verdade em 1972.) Na medida em que a ciência se origina na auto-reflexão e no pensamento do pensador, uma verdadeira teoria de tudo Teria que determinar se esta é a única dimensão da consciência. Há também a forma atrutora caótica de Lorentz descritora da psicose, bem como a consciência observadora que é capaz de observar o movimento de auto-reflexão em primeiro lugar.) (A consciência clássica que se origina na auto-reflexão e no pensamento Não pode observar isso porque ele ainda não existe.) Será que uma aderência rígida a Occam Razor resultar na conclusão de que não há nem uma mente, nem um pensador, nem um self, mas apenas pensamentos Se este E-8 é, de fato, Uma teoria de tudo no mundo físico, como poderia ser relacionada (através da metáfora, do arquétipo, da sincronicidade etc.) a uma descrição completa (baseada na observação, não no pensamento ou auto-reflexão) das dimensões completas da consciência humana , Talvez E-8 não é um TOE, mas uma metade crucial de uma teoria de tudo: um TOEBH ou uma teoria de tudo pela metade. Eric Bremner escreveu em 12 de dezembro de 2007 17:47 GMT consciência que o criou, ou através do qual surgiu - Michael Cecil escreveu em 11 de dezembro de 2007 11:56 GMT Não tanto. Se eu estivesse escrevendo 224. isso não lhe diz nada sobre minha consciência. Também não lhe diz nada sobre sua consciência inventores. Claro que 2,,, e 4, são teorias diferentes, a parte mais básica dessas teorias foram desenvolvidas em vários lugares sem qualquer intereferência de forças externas. (A menos que houvesse alienígenas, mas eu colocaria essa teoria na prateleira empoeirada onde ela pertence agora) Porque a mesma teoria foi desenvolvida por consciência múltipla e totalmente diferente, é impossível dizer que a teoria tem nada a ver com seu inventor , A teoria é de si mesma. Eu acho que você está tentando dizer que pode haver viés na equação, que é uma pergunta perfeitamente válida. Mas algumas coisas simplesmente não podem ter preconceito. Mas é claro que eu não posso te dizer com certeza sobre este quation, porque eu havnt ler Todos os trabalhos criadores originais. E ter um equasion work out, enquanto a polarização dos números para o seu próprio capricho é uma realização por conta própria. Michael Cecil escreveu em Dez. 12, 2007 20:23 GMT Não tanto. Se eu estivesse escrevendo 224. isso não lhe diz nada sobre minha consciência. Eric Bremer escreveu. Claro que sim. Diz-me que a origem é a consciência clássica que se origina na auto-reflexão e no pensamento. E, se eu lhe disser que o pensamento se origina no medo e no desejo, isso também lhe diz algo sobre a consciência que faz esta observação: não é a consciência clássica, incapaz de observar o pensamento. O viés a que me refiro é o viés que requer a preservação da própria consciência clássica. Descartes, por exemplo, postulou o pensamento do pensador para escapar à psicoses descrita nas passagens iniciais da Meditação II. Naturalmente, é necessário, em certo sentido, preservar a sanidade, mas, ao mesmo tempo, a visão resultante da realidade é distorcida por essa motivação. Não é uma visão objetiva da realidade. As observações da consciência observadora, por outro lado, não têm nada a ver com medo ou desejo e, por isso, podem fornecer uma visão objetiva da realidade além da visão da consciência clássica. Membro Antony Garrett Lisi escreveu em 29 de dezembro de 2007 19:25 GMT Nós sempre vemos aleatoriedade em eventos, mas acho que a vida consciente de si mesmo é uma pergunta, não uma resposta. Sim, esta é uma ótima maneira de prosseguir. E eu acho que LQG é o melhor lugar para começar, se alguém vai trabalhar até uma descrição completamente quântica de toda a enchilada. Amusing, mas dentro do reino da coincidência. A teoria ainda não se desenvolveu o suficiente para dizer qualquer coisa definitiva sobre a matéria escura. Sim, o apelo da simetria tem se estendido por muitos séculos. É interessante considerar até que ponto este apelo estético está fundamentado na natureza fundamental do universo. Parece meio estranho. Shh Dont dar minhas fontes Para o título de papéis, eu usei Theory of Everything no sentido técnico de combinar uma descrição da relatividade geral e simetrias de bitola como partes de um único grupo de simetria maior. A teoria não tem nada a dizer sobre a consciência. Se você quer construir a partir da física fundamental para uma compreensão da consciência, isso é um longo caminho difícil - mas potencialmente vale a pena e bem sucedida. Você está correto que estavam todos tendenciosos. No entanto, a ciência funciona, então isso é promissor. Tom Greenhaw escreveu em Jan. 16, 2008 01:22 GMT Eu estive olhando E8 e um par outros TOE modelos matemáticos que implicam dimensões não observadas. O pensamento ocorreu-me que o que nós percebemos como uma linha de tempo bidimensional poderia potencialmente ser um vetor através do tempo multidimensional. Embora este conceito possa abordar de forma muito nítida a questão das dimensões em falta, prová-lo experimentalmente é um exercício interessante. Talvez essa idéia possa provar alguma utilidade para seu trabalho. Bidou escreveu em Jan. 16, 2008 21:25 GMT Eu, eu encontrei a teoria exeptionnaly simples de nada. Kotatsulaposte. net escreveu em Jan. 19, 2008 08:21 GMT Grande trabalho Mr Lisi, esta é uma teoria realmente lógica. Espero que em breve você será capaz de testar isso com o novo cientista CERN brinquedo. ) Mas. Comecei a ler o seu AESTE e parece que você postula que o bóson de Higgs existe. Como o Higgs como foram criados para preencher os buracos na teoria padrão e até onde eu ouvi falar, nunca foi visto (talvez ele vai com o LHD, mas quem sabe.) Você não acha que vai a viés (golpe) a geometria Se a explicação da gravidade real é falsa. Eu li outra teoria de Lafreniere que explica todas as forças que talvez ajude. ou não. Mas ambas as suas teorias parecem válidas, bem Lafreniere não é um médico e é axplainations são muito menos matemática, mas parece coerente também. Mesmo se for. Hum estilo de escrita é. esquisito. Basta dar uma olhada se você tiver algum tempo e deixe-nos saber o que você pensa dele. N. Tantilov escreveu em Jan. 24, 2008 14:59 GMT Eu sinto muito - eu postei no segmento errado, que não será respondido, então mais uma vez a minha pergunta sobre TOEs: Kurt Gdels Incompleteness Theorem. Significa que qualquer TOE vai acabar sendo um quase E. Suponho que este doesnt toque seu trabalho presente em tudo, mas no longo prazo você deve ter algum tipo de opinião sobre ele. Espero que não seja indiscreto demais para perguntar. Mais uma coisa - eu gosto de suas declarações sobre uma bela teoria. A busca pela verdade ea busca pela beleza estão de certa forma relacionadas - os antigos videntes indianos chamados de Realidade Suprema que encontraram: Satyam, Shivam, Sunderam - o Verdadeiro, o Bom e o Belo. - E me perdoe por mencionar ainda mais uma coisa - você tem uma boa maneira de usar palavras. A titulação do seu papel, Pieces of E8. Sava wrote on Jan. 31, 2008 13:22 GMT Can anybody translate this theory in Ukrainian, or russian Matt J. wrote on Feb. 1, 2008 03:26 GMT I know you are a surfer dude, but somehow, I think it is best to start off with a salutation more appropriate for someone who really has earned his PhD. Anyway, on to the real topic: I see you say you have a lot of calculation to do. Have you found a Computer Algebra package suitable for it Is Octave, Axiom or Sage suitable As I read the descriptions of these packages, they sound somewhat promising, but they all seem to be missing something. GAP, for example, my old favorite, only handles Lie Algebras over fields of prime characteristic and small dimension or over GF(2). But if you want to know the Normalizer etc. of the Weyl group, that GAP can do -- if you tell it the Weyl group) Then again Atlas sounds promising too, though the only description of it I found on the Net is rather dated (liegroups. org), and sparse in describing what else other than Kazhdan-Lusztig-Vogan polynomials it will compute. Somehow, structure theory and admissible representations of real groups still sounds too vague. And their Spherical Unitary Explorer works only for the Classical Groups. JKD wrote on Feb. 1, 2008 11:21 GMT (Condensed matter physicist speaking :-) The action in Eq. 3.8 involves an integral over a 4-manifold. I assume this is a Cartesian 31 space, is this correct So, how would you quantize the theory Would you find the field modes and their conjugate momenta on this manifold and proceed in the usual way Ford Prefect wrote on Feb. 28, 2008 05:10 GMT re castel wrote on Oct. 10, 2009 12:12 GMT I am not adept at these very advanced maths - blame my aberrant schooling. I envy your skill in the advanced maths. Now, I understand the idea of a principal bundle in terms of kinematic constructs, with each particle field represented by a resolved tensor vector, and thus the bundle would be a group of particle fields (with each field represented by a resolved tensor vector). And my understanding is that a group dance corresponds to the interactions of all the particle field tensors in the group. My understanding is that our knowledge of the particle field tensors that have already been measured allows the prediction of the existence of unknown particles on account of the force/vector discrepancies in a given group. Do you see a hierarchy of the particle field tensors in terms of what pf tensors initiate the twists and what pf tensors dominate a given group Or, do you arbitrarily assign what pf tensor initiates a twist To give you a little background of where I come from - I have been working on my version of the theory of kinematic relativity. And I believe I am thus far still just scratching at the surface of the theory of kinematic relativity. My theory of kinematic relativity describes motion transformations within a 3-d space dimension and absolute duration transformation along a 1-d time dimension. I use the idea of a kinematic continuum as the matrix of the physical transformations (i. e. the obervable phenomena), which is why I have the idea of kinematic (i. e. kinetic or motion) constructs examined using a pure vectorial analysis approach instead of the prevalent (mixed-up) dimensional analysis approach. Both my logical language and my mathematical language can be considered unconventional. But I hope you wont mind so much. re castel wrote on Oct. 10, 2009 12:45 GMT When I hear a reference to multiple dimensions I understand it as a reference to multiple vectors of motion. Thus, to me a multi-dimensional object would be an object described using multiple motion vectors. I do not consider the time vector a vector of motion rather, I consider it as an independent vector of duration. Again, kind regards. Geoffrey Dixon wrote on Oct. 31, 2009 09:29 GMT There are 480 renumberings of the octonion multiplication table. Its the same algebra for each renumbering. Theyre just symbols, an interface between the human mind and mathematics. I could use any collection of 8 symbols, or even let the symbols vary over time. Still the same algebra. Anonymous wrote on Jan. 5, 2010 23:50 GMT As I watched Einsteins Big Idea, a PBS film based on the Book Emc2 by David Bodanis, I was stuck by the beauty of the universe and thankful for the sole constant in the worlds most famous equation - God. The following are my reflections on Albert Einsteins greatest discovery. Physicists and a host of other scientists understand and believe Emc2 represents a blue print of creation and. As I watched Einsteins Big Idea, a PBS film based on the Book Emc2 by David Bodanis, I was stuck by the beauty of the universe and thankful for the sole constant in the worlds most famous equation - God. The following are my reflections on Albert Einsteins greatest discovery. Physicists and a host of other scientists understand and believe Emc2 represents a blue print of creation and the universe, which they suggest can be best explained by the Big Bang theory however, my elementary understanding of Emc2 takes me in a completely different direction. Im thinking about God, so much so that I have stayed up most of the night writing this note. It is commonly understood both in and outside the field of physics that the c in Einsteins equation Emc2 represents the speed of light. So, identifying the c in this equation as God should not appear strange or unfounded to individuals familiar with the Holy Bible. Jesus himself said, I am the light of the world (John 8:12), and 1 John 1:5 states, God is light. According to Einstein, nothing in the universe can move faster than the speed of light. He suggests that as an object approaches the speed of light its mass as well as the force needed to produce more acceleration increases to infinity. All this and Einstein predicts no object will ever reach the speed of light because of something physicists call the light barrier. In formulating and explaining his formula Emc2, Einstein argued that lights speed never changes and everything in the universe works around this unalterable reality. He further argued that as objects approach the speed of light time actually slows down. In a similar fashion, the Holy bible reiterates again and again the idea that God is light and God does not change. The enormous energy and light created from splitting atoms or crashing subatomic particles do not point to the primordial soup of a Big Bang theory, but rather, these scientific feats offer a very small glimpse into Gods ultimate power over sin and death. Eternity, and therefore the absence of time, constitutes a reunification of God with the objects of his creation, which live in the darkness of sin. Scientists believe that objects can never reach the speed of light, but they are wrong. And I would argue their error stems from a lack of biblical knowledge. Scientists call it the light barrier but christians call it the sin barrier. Sin is what really separates the world and all contained herein from the light of God. To behold God in a sinful state means instant death for sin and God cannot coexist just as light and darkness cannot coexist. Exodus 33:20 says no man can see Gods face and live and Hebrews 12:29 says that God is a consuming fire. Additionally, 2 Thessalonians 2:8 paints a cataclysmic picture of Jesus Christs second coming to earth that reveals a wicked group of people who are destroyed . with the brightness of his coming. Many people believe the wages of sin is burning forever, but the bible says the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Jesus said that For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Whether people are willing to admit it or not, burning forever is eternal life - not a good life one could argue - but an eternal life none the less. This belief is contrary to what Jesus said. Those who do not have eternal life will not live out eternity in heaven or in hell because they will as Jesus said perish, which means to cease to exist. The opposite of eternal life is not an eternal life of burning, but eternal death and permanent separation from God. At Jesus second coming all who believe will move with God at the speed of light through the our amazing Universe. The Holy Bible says that eternity can only be obtained through a reunification with God, which comes through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Its only through his sacrifice, not our good works or intentions, that a union with God can be reestablished, his creation transformed into his likeness, and the gift of eternal life granted. Steve Dufourny wrote on Jan. 8, 2010 13:37 GMT The ubiquity of the love information seems universal. it is the truth, the love . Einstein has created a wonderful spiritual equation which show us the unity between all with the same maximum energy, thus this equation in not finished in the calcul of the energy because all has the same quantity of energy . A little if we say Em c(exp. ),probably the maximum for the rotating stable main central sphere of the quantum architecture, this gauge is relevant like the future finite universal spheres, finished in the physicality and unified. This energy is thus like a future max mass and an actual energy in the fields of the quantum architecture, that implies a real spirituality in its whole, universal and in evolution where the mass increases . gs wrote on Mar. 20, 2010 08:03 GMT can I have the multiplication table in computer readable form. Rodney Bartlett wrote on Jan. 12, 2011 13:23 GMT Science Out Of The Straitjacket: Rethinking General Relativity, Emc2 and String Theory I saw a video today (Hidden Dimensions: Exploring Hyperspace - worldsciencefestival/hidden-dimensions) in which it was stated that mathematicians are free to imagine anything while physicists work in a very different environment constrained by experiment, and that the American. Science Out Of The Straitjacket: Rethinking General Relativity, Emc2 and String Theory I saw a video today (Hidden Dimensions: Exploring Hyperspace - worldsciencefestival/hidden-dimensions) in which it was stated that mathematicians are free to imagine anything while physicists work in a very different environment constrained by experiment, and that the American physicist Richard Feynman (1918-1988) said scientists work in a straitjacket. Well, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) said Imagination is more important than knowledge so lets see what happens when we throw away everyday tradition and conformity, let our imaginations fly (while trying to stay grounded in science and technology), and thus release science from its straitjacket This essay has its beginnings in cellular automata (in mathematics and computer science, collections of cells on a grid that evolve through a number of discrete time steps according to a set of rules based on the states of neighbouring cells) and grew into a belief that the universe (electromagnetism, gravitation, space-time and, as well see, 5th dimensional hyperspace) is not analog in nature but has a digital (electronic) foundation. This belief can be supported by 11 steps that begin with an experiment in electrical engineering at Yale University in the USA. These steps logically lead to assertions of instant intergalactic travel, time travel into the past as well as the future (neither of which can be altered), of unification of the large-scale universe with small-scale quantum particles, that the universe is a computer-generated hologram, that everyone who ever lived can have eternal life and health, that motion is an illusion caused by the rapid display of digitally generated frames, that the entire universe is contained in (or unified with) every one of its particles, that the terms computer-generated and computer do not necessarily refer to an actual machine sending out binary digits or qubits, that we only possess a small degree of free will, that humanity could have created our universe and ourselves though unification physics says a being called God must nevertheless exist and likewise be Creator, and that Einsteins Emc squared equation could be modified for the 21st century, reflecting the digital nature of reality. Though these things may be unbelievable in 2011, we should not ignore the possibilities of their being true or of their showing that reality is indeed digital because they are the logical product of already demonstrated electrical engineering and trips into space, science is investigating time travel and unification, the notion of motion has been suspect to some ever since the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea (490-420 B. C.) argued that motion is absurd, and many religions worldwide speak of God and have some concept of survival of bodily death. 1) In July 2009, electrical engineer Hong Tang and his team at Yale University in the USA demonstrated that, on silicon chip - and transistor - scales, light can attract and repel itself like electric charges/magnets (Discover magazines Top 100 Stories of 2009 83: Like Magnets, Light Can Attract and Repel Itself by Stephen Ornes, from the January-February 2010 special issue published online December 21, 2009). This is the optical force, a phenomenon that theorists first predicted in 2005 (this time delay is rather confusing since James Clerk Maxwell showed that light is an electromagnetic disturbance approx. 140 years ago). In the event of the universe having an underlying electronic foundation (hopefully, my summary will make it clear that this must be so also an electronic universe is a necessary precursor to scientific fulfilment of Star Treks magic which becomes clear as these steps are read), it would be composed of silicon chip - and transistor - scales and the Optical Force would not be restricted to microscopic scales but could operate universally. Tang proposes that the optical force could be exploited in telecommunications. For example, switches based on the optical force could be used to speed up the routing of light signals in fibre-optic cables, and optical oscillators could improve cell phone signal processing. 2) If all forms of EM (electromagnetic) radiation can attract/repel, radio waves will also cause communication revolution e. g. with the Internet and mobile (cell) phones. I anticipate that there may be no more overexposure to ultraviolet or X-rays. 3) In agreement with the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics, EM waves have particle-like properties (more noticeable at high frequencies) so cosmic rays (actually particles) are sometimes listed on the EM spectrum beyond its highest frequency of gamma rays. 4) If cosmic rays are made to repel, astronauts going to Mars or another star or galaxy would be safe from potentially deadly radiation. 5) And if all particles in the body can be made to attract or repel as necessary, doctors will have new ways of restoring patients to health. 6) From 1929 til his death in 1955, Einstein worked on his Unified Field Theory with the aim of uniting electromagnetism and gravitation. Future achievement of this means warps of space (gravity, according to General Relativity) between spaceships/stars could be attracted together, thereby eliminating distance. And warp drive would not only come to life in future science/technology. it would be improved tremendously, almost beyond imagination. This reminds me of the 1994 proposal by Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre of a method of stretching space in a wave which would in theory cause the fabric of space ahead of a spacecraft to contract and the space behind it to expand. Therefore, the ship would be carried along in a warp bubble like a person being transported on an escalator, reaching its destination faster than a light beam restricted to travelling outside the warp bubble. There are no practical known methods to warp space however, this extension of the Yale demonstration in electrical engineering may provide one. 7) Since Relativity says space and time can never exist separately, warps in space are actually warps in space-time. Eliminating distances in space also means distances between both future and past times are eliminated - and time travel becomes reality. This is foreseen by the Enterprise time-travelling back to 20th-century Earth in the 1986 movie Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and by Star Treks subspace communications. Doing away with distances in space and time also opens the door to Star Trek-like teleportation. Teleportation wouldnt involve reproducing the original and there would be no need to destroy the original body we would simply be here one moment, and there the next (wherever and whenever our destination is). 8) Another step might be to think of . the grand design of the universe, a single theory that explains everything (words used by Stephen Hawking on the American version of Amazon, when promoting his latest book The Grand Design coauthored with Leonard Mlodinow, Bantam Books, 2010) in a different way than physicists who are presently working on sciences holy grail of unification. The universes underlying electronic foundation (which makes our cosmos into a partially-complete unification, similar to 2 objects which appear billions of years or billions of light-years apart on a huge computer screen actually being unified by the strings of ones and zeros making up the computer code which is all in one small place) would make our cosmos into physics holy grail of a complete unification if it enabled not only elimination of all distances in space and time, but also elimination of distance between (and including) the different sides of objects and particles. This last point requires the universe to not merely be a vast collection of the countless photons, electrons and other quantum particles within it but to be a unified whole that has particles and waves built into its union of digital 1s and 0s (or its union of qubits quantum binary digits). If we use the example of CGH (computer generated holography, which is reminiscent of the holographic simulation called the Holodeck in Star Trek: The Next Generation), these particles and waves could be elements produced by the interaction of electromagnetic and presently undiscovered gravitational waves, producing what we know as mass and forming what we know as space-time. Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves, and measurements on the Hulse-Taylor binary-star system resulted in Russell Hulse and Joe Taylor being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1993 for their work, which was the first indirect evidence for gravitational waves. The feedback of the past and future universes into the unified cosmoss electronic foundation would ensure that both past and future could not be altered. (Our brains and minds are part of this unification too, which must mean extrasensory perception and telekinetic independence from technology are possible.) 9) Elimination of diseased matter and/or eliminating the distance in time between a patient and recovery from any adverse medical condition even death would also be a valuable way of restoring health. With time travel in an electronic universe, people who have long since died could have their minds downloaded into clones of their bodies - a modification of ideas published by robotics/artificial intelligence pioneer Hans Moravec, inventor/futurist Ray Kurzweil and others - allowing them to recover from death (establishing colonies throughout space and time would prevent overpopulation). If we think of the existence of the universe as frames in a movie, displaying the successive frames in an incredibly tiny and undetectable fraction of a second would produce what we call motion. This display requires computer power undreamt of today. Unification of the universe with each of the subatomic particles composing it (via its hyperspatial computer being united with every particles hyperspace computer) allows not just a single program resulting in our visible universes large-scale structures (galaxies, superclusters) but many programs that manifest as the many smaller-scale things made of quantum particles e. g. stars, planets, roses, people, atoms as well as temporally differentiated structures like other universes. Another way of stating the previous sentence is: just as Emc2 means energy must contain particles e. g. electromagnetic energy is composed of photons, Em10 (see 11) means a computer in the universes hyperspace which is projected onto space-time must also be contained in each particles hyperspace and projected onto the immaterial particles space-time i. e. the entire universe is contained in (or unified with) every one of its particles. This reminds me of something - American astronomer Carl Sagan (1934-1996) wrote these lines for his award-winning television series and accompanying book, Cosmos: There is an idea strange, haunting, evocative one of the most exquisite conjectures in science or religion. It is entirely undemonstrated it may never be proved. But it stirs the blood. There is, we are told, an infinite hierarchy of universes, so that an elementary particle, such as an electron, in our universe would, if penetrated, reveal itself to be an entire closed universe. Em10 also means, since energy equals mass, that the terms computer-generated and computer do not necessarily refer to an actual machine sending out the binary digits of 1 and 0 but could refer to binary digits that are sent forth by telekinetic independence from technology (see 8). Such telekinetic independence from technology wouldnt even require conscious knowledge of any programming language because all languages are already contained in, or unified with, your brain. In fact, all technology (even from the distant future) would already be contained in, or unified with, your unconscious and might be manifested when the subconscious becomes uninhibited during sleep. So the universe might literally be a dream be careful what you dream about when you go to sleep tonight or you might create the universe and yourself 10) These paragraphs imply the possibility of humans time-travelling to the distant past and using electronics to create this particular subuniverses computer-generated Big Bang (but theres still room for God because God would be a pantheistic union of the megauniverses material and mental parts, forming a union with humans in a cosmic unification). Weve seen several examples of how science fact could equal, or surpass, science fiction. A final example of surpassing is that, in Star Trek, there are many military conflicts with Klingons, Romulans, the Borg, etc. In a real-life cosmic unification, there are no wars between the stars but peace is normal - even on Earth - since nobody can attack anyone in any way without knowing theyre attacking themself. The realisation that every person is contained in, or unified with, every other person would not only usher in worldwide peace but also paradise on Earth (via the global financial crisis). The worldwide economic crisis has the potential for many political benefits, since cooperation will be the only way to maintain and improve our living standard if monetary systems fail. The crisis would encourage domestic and international peace and sharing - perhaps even paradise on earth. The present global financial crisis may indicate that the world we live in today has lost stability and is on the brink of changing. Therefore, this crisis might be necessary to awaken us to the potential of tomorrow. Just because money has been making the world go round for thousands of years doesnt mean money will be the way of the world forever. We should start looking for an alternative system to preserve, and increase, standards of living now in case we need it tomorrow (I imagine politicians are the ones with the resources and organizational ability needed to implement such a system). This scheme should not use any form of monetary organisation nor be based on gold, silver etc. It should, idealistic and naive as it appears at first, be based on mutual cooperation and the goal of ushering in a paradise on earth. We can say there can never be paradise on earth but the human instinct to survive is much stronger than our tendency for other types of self-interest, and greed, and to not cooperate with each other. If money ceases to be an option most people will gladly cooperate with those we would have previously regarded as competition, or even as an enemy, if its the only way to maintain and improve our living standard. 11) Em 10 IS Emc2 FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Does the simple modification of Emc2 (Emc 2) to Em exponent 10 (Em 10) extend Albert Einsteins genius, which he claimed was not genius but intense curiosity and imagination, infinitely beyond the 20th century Removing Em from both equations means c2 (to be precise, c 2) 10 Multiplying each side by base n (any number) gives us nc2 n 10 i. e. nc2 n Dividing both sides by n gives c2 1, therefore c also equals 1 Tradition says c is the speed of light. If c has the same value as c 2 then the velocity of light in a vacuum must be a universal constant and since it cannot change, space-time has to warp: producing things like gravity, gravitational lenses, black holes and time travel. Solving Emc2 for mass (m) results in mE/c 2 Since c 2 10 Multiplying each part of each element by base n: nm nE/n 10 Therefore, the mass of the expanding universe can be thought of as pure energy. If we interpret mE (1m1E) as meaning all the mass and energy in the universe forms a unit, we wont be able to think of any of the masses and energies composing the universe as separate. Every planet, star, magnet, beam of light, etc. would be part of a unification comparable to a hologram (but a very special hologram, including all forms of electromagnetism as well as gravitational waves which give objects mass. In September 2008, renowned British astrophysicist Professor Stephen Hawking bet US100 that the Large Hadron Collider would not find the Higgs boson, a theoretical particle supposed to explain how other particles acquire mass. Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves, and measurements on the Hulse-Taylor binary-star system resulted in Russell Hulse and Joe Taylor being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1993 for their work, which was the first indirect evidence for gravitational waves). The seeming fact that particles can communicate instantly over billions of light years (are entangled - a process that appears to have operated in the entire universe forever) also seems to support the holographic principle and makes these lines relevant - another effect of the universe being a unification having zero separation is that experiments in quantum mechanics would show that subatomic particles instantly share information even if physically separated by many light years (experiments conducted since the 1980s repeatedly confirm this strange finding). This is explicable as 2 objects or particles only appearing to be 2 things in an objective, out there universe (Austrian physicist Wolfgang Paulis exclusion principle which was discovered in 1925 and says 2 matter particles cannot have both the same position and the same velocity only applies in an objective universe and therefore allows past and future versions of the universe to exist simultaneously with the present one though programming in the cosmic computer does include it as applicable to the reality we perceive since that appears objective). Theyd actually be 1 thing in a unified, everything is everywhere and everywhen universe. If the universe is a hologram with each part containing information about the whole, the instant sharing of information over many light-years loses its mystery. Light can attract and repel itself like electric charges and magnets (according to Discover magazines Top 100 Stories of 2009 83: Like Magnets, Light Can Attract and Repel Itself by Stephen Ornes, from the January-February 2010 special issue published online December 21, 2009 - in July 2009, electrical engineer Hong Tang and his team at Yale University in the USA demonstrated that, on silicon chip - and transistor - scales, light can attract and repel itself like electric charges/magnets). Therefore, it must be true to say electrically charged particles and magnets can attract and repel like light (electric/magnetic attraction/repulsion would, similarly to light, occur only on microscopic scales if the universe did not have an electronic foundation in which it was composed of silicon chip - and transistor - scales: more will be said about this later). We have known for ages they attract/repel but now we know they do it like light, can we extend this phenomenon from quantum mechanics wave-particle duality (in the case of electric charges and light) to universe-wide wave-particle duality (in the case of magnets and light) If the magnets we can see and touch behave like light, is it not possible that every object in the universe (from a small magnet to an enormous planet or star) behaves like light making the universe a hologram. Since mE, we can think of c as not merely representing the speed of light (energy) but as symbolic of mass and the speed of universal expansion (cHubble Constant or 299,792.458 kilometres per second approx. 70 km/sec/megaparsec). What can it mean if c and c2 both equal 1 in the context of cosmic holographic expansion Answering this is impossible unless we look back at the work of Albert Einstein. That work leads to the conclusion - if c has the same value as c 2 then the velocity of light in a vacuum must be a universal constant and since it cannot change, space-time has to warp: producing things like gravity, gravitational lenses, black holes and time travel. Applied to cosmic holographic expansion, the conclusion is if c has the same value as c 2 then expansion (whether positive, zero or negative) obviously always exists and space-times warping produces the weird phenomena modern science proposes, like higher dimensions and hyperspace and time travel and parallel universes. Lets see where things lead if we assume c and c2 both equalling 1 means that the future universe, whose rate of expansion is the square of todays, is existing at the same time as todays and if we think of present expansion as c2, that the present universe whose rate of expansion is the square of one in the past is unified with the past one. For a start, such an assumption would be consistent with dark energy causing expansion to accelerate. We can, of course, write that c2 equals a number, any number (c2 n) Then c square root n (n ) Therefore n 1 Since c and c2 both equal n, any past or future universe (whatever the rate of expansion, even if zero or negative) exists at the same time as ours. So a simple modification of Einsteins E mc 2 to E m 10 implies that our holographic universe is generated and supported by binary digits (1s and 0s). Carl Sagan (who was an American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist and author) said there is . no centre to the expansion, no point of origin of the Big Bang, at least not in ordinary three-dimensional space. (p. 27 of Pale Blue Dot - Headline Book Publishing, 1995). Does this mean the Big Bang (or for our purposes, the binary 1s and 0s) would exist outside space-time in what we might call 5th dimensional hyperspace The revised equation also says this universe is a unification, permitting time travel into both past and future (because any past or future universe exists at the same time as ours a twist on the concept of parallel universes). Repeated experimental verification of Einsteins Relativity theory confirms its statement that space and time can never exist separately but form what is known as space-time. So space, like time, must also be a unification whose separation can be reduced to zero. This suggests that intergalactic travel might oneday be completed extremely rapidly. Lets return to Relativitys statement that space and time can never exist separately, therefore warps in space are actually warps in space-time: Eliminating distances in space also means distances between both future and past times are eliminated - and time travel becomes reality. Can anything more specific about the mechanics of time travel be stated here If we get into a spaceship and eliminate the distance between us and a planet 700 light-years away, itll not only be possible to arrive at the planet instantly but well instantly be transported 700 years into the future. On page 247 of Physics of the Impossible by physicist Michio Kaku (Penguin Books - 2009), its stated astronomers today believe that the total spin of the universe is zero. This is bad news for mathematician Kurt Godel, who in 1949 found from Einsteins equations that a spinning universe would be a time machine (p. 223 of Physics of the Impossible). Professor Hawking informs us that all particles in the universe have a property called spin which is related to, but not identical with, the everyday concept of spin (science is mystified by quantum spin which has mathematical similarities to familiar spin but it does not mean that particles actually rotate like little tops). Everyday spin might be identical to Godels hoped-for spinning universe. If the universe is a Mobius loop (a Mobius loop can be visualised as a strip of paper which is given a half-twist of 180 degrees before its ends are joined), the twisted nature of a Mobius strip or loop plus the fact that you have to travel around it twice to arrive at your starting point might substitute for the lack of overall spin. Then the cosmos could still function as a time machine. Weve seen how it permits travel into the future. We can journey further and further into the future by going farther and farther around the Mobius Universe. We might travel many billions of years ahead - but when weve travelled around M. U. exactly twice, well find ourselves back at our start i. e. we were billions of years in the future relative to that, were now billions of years in the past. And according to Michio Kaku on p. 316 of Physics of the Impossible - Penguin Books, 2009 - . the inverse-square law (of famous English scientist Isaac Newton 1642-1727) says that the force between two particles is infinite if the distance of separation goes to zero. Space-times being a unification whose separation can be reduced to zero also suggests the existence of an infinitely powerful, and infinitely intelligent (since those particles could be brain particles), God. Since the distance of separation is zero, the universe must be unified with each of its constituent subatomic particles and those particles must follow the rules of fractal geometry being similarly composed of space and time and hyperspace. Unification of the cosmos with its particles is an insurmountable challenge to our bodily senses and their extensions, scientific instruments as is existence of zero separation between us and a stars gravity, heat etc. If we could see the universe exclusively with our minds, wed see that these insurmountable challenges are indeed possible if we live in a non-materialistic holographic universe (combining gravitational with electromagnetic waves) controlled by the magic of computers. Perhaps the atheists among my readers are thinking it cant be denied that these paragraphs imply the possibility of humans from the distant future time-travelling to the distant past and using electronics to create this particular subuniverses computer-generated Big Bang. Maybe any limits on trips to the future or past are overcome by travelling to other universes and linking their eliminated distances to those in this universe. This linkage requires all laws of physics etc. to be identical everywhere. In a so-called multiverse consisting of parallel universes where things have the potential to be slightly different in each universe, the link could be broken because we might find ourselves trying to force a square peg into a round hole. An accomplishment such as this would be the supreme example of backward causality (effects influencing causes) promoted by Yakir Aharonov, John Cramer and others. However, recalling Isaac Newtons inverse-square law and what it says about the force between two particles being infinite if the distance of separation goes to zero means theres still room for God because God would be a pantheistic union of the megauniverses material and mental parts, forming a union with humans in a cosmic unification. Subuniverse Megauniverse What am I talking about A megauniverse is hinted at by Einsteins equations as well as cosmologys Steady-State theory, which say the universe has always existed and will continue forever. Einstein spoke of a static universe (which accurately describes a megauniverse that has no limits in space and has always existed/will continue forever), but he thought of this local branch as static, and rightly called it his greatest mistake since the local universe (our subuniverse) is now known to have had a beginning and to be expanding. Each subuniverse and its region of space-time is created from a big bang, but the megauniverse they belong to has no beginning and no end. And it maintains its average density through continuous creation (actually, recycling) of matter via the small amount from a preceding universe which is used to initiate expansion of its successor. This steady-state, or static, megauniverse would have its tendency to collapse (from, according to the viewpoint that only one time exists at any instant, ever-increasing gravitational attraction) always exactly balanced by, again from the viewpoint that all times cannot exist at once, the ever-increasing expansion of the universes it contains. The notion that contained universes that are forever expanding would somehow burst a static, steady-state megauniverse mistakenly assumes the megauniverse possesses a finite size and it also reverts to our everyday experience that only one time exists at any instant (forgetting that all times exist and the megauniverse therefore accommodates not just some, but all, extents of expansion). Expanding subuniverses reminds me of the claim by cosmologists Paul J. Steinhardt and Neil Turok that the Big Bang which created our universe was triggered by a collision between our cosmic brane (or membrane) and a neighbouring one. The only essential difference between our hypotheses is that I believe collisions between neighbouring universes are the result, not the cause, of big bangs. We can regard the cosmic hologram and the megauniverse as examples of invariance (the quality of not changing) and the holograms relativistic property of appearing different from differing vantage points as represented by the expanding universes with their big bangs. REFERENCES - Many of these are within the text. I would also refer readers to DOES THE INERTIA OF A BODY DEPEND UPON ITS ENERGY CONTENT By A. Einstein 1905, in Annalen der Physik Paradoxes by Zeno of Elea, Greek philosopher, lived 490-430 B. C. A World Without Time: The Forgotten Legacy Of Godel And Einstein by Palle Yourgrau Basic Books, 2004 Miguel Alcubierres May 1994 paper The Warp Drive: Hyper-fast travel within general relativity (which appeared in the science journal Classical and Quantum Gravity) Never mind the Higgs boson by abc. net. au/science/articles/2008/09/10/ m - 2009 Mystery of the Ages by Herbert W. Armstrong - Worldwide Church of God, 1985 A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking - Bantam Press, 1988 Raymond Kurzweil - Wikipedia, 2009 A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell - Simon and Schuster, 1945 Second Life - virtual world developed by Linden Lab that launched on June 23, 2003 The Physics of Immortality by Frank Tipler - Doubleday, 1994 The Physics of Christianity by Frank Tipler - Doubleday, 2007 Did the Universe Just Happen by Robert Wright - The Atlantic Monthly, April 1988 The Bible - King James Version - 1956 edition Vedanta and Tantrism Philosophies of Hinduism (the religion originating in 1st millennium India) Star Trek - 5 series/11 movies - CBS/Paramount TV - 1966 to The religious writer and broadcaster Herbert W. Armstrong (1892-1986) who would have phrased the union of humans with God as God is reproducing himself through mankind since he taught that the true message Jesus brought to the world was that mankinds destiny is to become God. Ancient Greek philosopher and politician Parmenides (c.515 BC-c.445 BC). Parmenides taught that the only true being is the One which is infinite, indivisible and the whole of it is present everywhere. He seems to have anticipated invention of the hologram (each piece of a hologram is present everywhere i. e. it stores information about the whole image). The Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (580-500 BC) who believed that numbers constitute the true nature of the universe. Combine Parmenides belief in the One with the Pythagorean belief in number being the essence of the universe and you have the foundation of my conviction that the building blocks of the universe are a) digital (forming a cosmic computer) as well as b) computer-generated holograms. Dutch philosopher Baruch (or Benedict) Spinoza (1632-1677) who said everything that exists, including individual men and women, is a part of God and is a tiny part of an all-inclusive pantheism. He also said thought and mind were attributes of God. U. S. computer scientist and physicist Ed Fredkin who thinks that the universe is a computer. Theodor Kaluza (1885-1954), the German mathematician and physicist who proposed that Einsteins dream of finding a unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism might be realized if he worked his equations in five-dimensional space-time. Oskar Klein (1894-1977), the Swedish theoretical physicist who published a quantum version of Kaluzas work. Gerardus t Hooft and Leonard Susskind, whose holographic principle (a property of quantum gravity and string theories which states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a boundary to the region) has led to the speculation that the entire universe can be seen as a two-dimensional information structure painted on the cosmological horizon, such that the three dimensions we observe are only an effective description at macroscopic scales and at low energies. Cosmological holography has not been made mathematically precise, partly because the cosmological horizon has a finite area and grows with time. (quoted section from Wikipedia) British quantum physicist David Bohm (1917-1992) who asserted that the tangible reality of our everyday lives is really a kind of illusion, like a holographic image. Underlying it is a deeper order of existence, a vast and more primary level of reality that gives birth to all the objects and appearances of our physical world in much the same way that a piece of holographic film gives birth to a hologram. Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram has also become persuaded by the holographic nature of reality. Bohm says our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time. (spaceandmotion/Physics-David-Bohm-Holographi c-Universe. htm) The cosmology of John Dobson, put forth in his 2008 book The Moon Is New Time Comes In With A Minus Sign (Berbeo Publishing). The books/ebooks of Rodney Bartlett Rods Room: A New Earth And A New Universe Xlibris, 2006 A New Earth And A New Universe PublishAmerica, 2009 Humans and their Universes CreateSpace, 2010 Some titles available at Amazon, Google, Free-ebooks. net

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